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Tag No.: K0130

The facility did not ensure that all employees are periodically instructed as to their duties during a fire emergency as required by NFPA 101 " Life Safety Code " 19.7.1 and semi-annually as required in NFPA 99 " Health Care Facility ' s " 11-5.3.9.

On 07/20/11 at 1:00 PM, the surveyors were not provided with documentation from the President of Staff Development, the Vice President of Staff Development, the Facility Engineering Director, the Operations Manager or the Chief of Safety & Security to indicate that all staff members are instructed as to their duties during a fire emergency, at least annually as required by section 11-5.3.8 & 12- of NFPA 99; i.e. the web-based, training program that facility uses considers staff to be compliant if mandatory training is conducted during a calendar year- which would allow staff 23 months between training.