Bringing transparency to federal inspections


AKRON, OH 44310


Tag No.: A0700

Based on observation, interview, and documentation review the facility failed to ensure the building vertical openings complied with NFPA 101, duct detectors and heat detectors complied with NFPA 72, and damper testing and replacement complied with NFPA 80 and 90a (A710). This has the potential to affect all patients receiving services from the facility. The cumulative effects of these systemic practices resulted in the facility's inability to ensure the safety of patients. The facility's census was 0.


Tag No.: A0710

Based on observation, interview, and documentation review, the facility failed to meet the requirements for life safety, specifically, the applicable provisions of the 2012 edition of the Life Safety Code of the National Fire Protection Association. This had the potential to affect all patients receiving services from the facility. The facility census was 0.

Findings include:

1. Please see K311 for findings related to the facility failing to ensure vertical chases were free of penetrations.

2. Please see K345 for findings related to the facility failing to ensure sensitivity testing was completed on duct detectors and testing was completed on all heat detectors.

3. Please see K521 for findings related to the facility failing to ensure damper testing and repair/replacement was completed.