Bringing transparency to federal inspections


HARDIN, MT 59034

No Description Available

Tag No.: C0222

Based on observation and staff interview, the facility failed to ensure that patient care supplies were maintained to ensure an acceptable level of safety and quality. Findings include:

1. During the inspection of the off-site Physical Therapy Department, the following outdated patient care supplies were found in the crash cart:

- 1 Laryngeal mask airway, with the manufacturer's expiration date of 4/2009;
- 1 BD Insyte Autoguard shielded IV (intravenous) catheter 18 gauge 1/16 inch, with the manufacturer's expiration date of 9/2004;
- 2 Red Dot Radiolucent Monitoring Electrodes, with the manufacturer's expiration date of 11/2009; and
- 1 Ultrasite Horizon Pump IV Set, with the manufacturer's expiration date of 2/2010.

2. According to Staff E, physical therapist, he performs an inventory of the crash cart every three months and checks the cart for outdated items at that time.

No Description Available

Tag No.: C0276

Based on observation and staff interview, the facility failed to ensure that outdated medications were not available for patient use. Findings include:

1. During the observation of the off-site Physical Therapy Department, the crash cart was inspected. The following outdated medications were noted:

Three unopened boxes of Epinephrine 1:10,000 1 mg (milligram) glass Abboject syringes, with the manufacturer's expiration date of July 1, 2010.

2. During an interview with Staff E, the staff member stated he performs an inventory of the crash cart every three months and checks for outdates at that time.