Bringing transparency to federal inspections
Tag No.: K0291
Based on observation, record review, and interview, the provider failed to test battery pack emergency lighting for the transfer switch room as required. Findings include:
1. Observation at 11:15 a.m. on 05/04/2021 revealed the transfer switch room had battery pack powered emergency lights. Those emergency lights are required to be tested monthly for thirty seconds and annually for ninety minutes. Record review on that same day at 12:45 p.m. revealed there was no documentation any testing of those lights existed. Interview with the maintenance supervisor at the time of the record review confirmed that finding. He stated he was not aware those lights required that testing.
The deficiency affected 100% of the building occupancy.
Tag No.: K0918
Based on record review and interview, the provider failed to document generator battery conductivity monthly (no testing was being done in the past year). Findings include:
1. Record review at 11:10 a.m. on 05/04/2021 revealed there was not any documentation of the battery conductivity in the monthly maintenance logs for the generator. Interview with the maintenance supervisor at the time of the record review confirmed that finding. He stated the battery was a maintenance-free battery, and he was unaware of the monthly battery conductivity documentation requirement.
The deficiency affected 100% of the building occupancy.