Bringing transparency to federal inspections
Tag No.: B0118
Based on record review and interview, the hospital failed to update an individual comprehensive Master treatment Plan for Patient #1 (P1) P1 did not have her individual Master Treatment Plan updated during their hospitalization.
Findings Included:
Record review on 6/14/17 of P1's medical record revealed she was admitted on 5/20/17, at that time an Initial Master Treatment Plan (MTP) was initiated. Further review revealed the MTP was updated every 7 days, per their policy. The last MTP was updated on 6/2/17.
Record review of the policy, titled Master Treatment Plan, effective 7/15/14, states in part: Goal and objectives will be reevaluated and revised on a weekly basis and more often as necessary.
Interview on 6/14/17 with Staff #1 confirmed the above findings.