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Tag No.: A0502

Based on observations and staff interview, the facility failed to ensure controlled substances (drugs) were stored in a manner to prevent unmonitored access and ready access by unauthorized individuals. This involved one off-site urgent care location.
Findings include:
A tour was conducted with Staff I (Safety Officer) on 06/08/12 at the offsite urgent care located at 55 Centennial Boulevard in Chillicothe. At 10:00 AM, when Staff Nurse S was questioned as to the system for storing narcotics, this employee identified a combination lock box that was attached to the wall near the hallway in an open galley type nurses' station. The employee demonstrated opening the box by turning the dial back and forth several times, then punched in a code on the keypad above the dial. The employee did not guard or protect the keypad code from being visible from the hallway, which was approximately 2 feet away. This hallway was observed being used by patients and visitors during this visit. When questioned as to the contents of the storage box, Staff S stated this was used for narcotic storage. When Staff S opened the box, medications were observed stored inside the box. Staff S provided a list of current medications that were inside the box. These medications included narcotics such as Morphine, Demerol, and Vicodin.
Staff I (Safety Officer) stated at that time this same type lock box was also used at the facility's urgent care in Waverly. On 06/08/12 at 3:15 PM, Staff ___ was informed of the aforementioned concern regarding narcotic medication storage.
Staff A, the System Director of Quality, was informed of this observation at 3:15 PM on 06/08/12.