Bringing transparency to federal inspections
Tag No.: A0701
Based on observations and interviews the facility failed to ensure the curtain rods in all the Geri- Psych patient areas were tear away. The curtain rods were drooping from the weight of the curtains. This affected all the patients on the Geri- Psych unit.
The findings include:
Observations on 4/2/13 at 11:00 AM revealed all common areas in the Geri- Psych and also in the patient rooms; the curtains were hung on household type curtain rods. The tour of the Adult Psych unit revealed the curtains were mounted on tear away tracks. Those curtains had Velcro loops to hold the curtains to the track.
During an interview on 4/3/13 at 7:55 AM, with Employee Identifier # 1, the facility Administrator, was not aware of the concern with the type of curtain rods used on the Geri- Psych unit. EI # 1 commented the curtains would be changed to the type used in the Adult Psych rooms.