Bringing transparency to federal inspections
Tag No.: A0117
Based on record review and interview, the facility failed to ensure 2 (#11, 12) of 3 Medicare patients received the Important Message from Medicare within 48 hours of discharge resulting in the potential for Medicare patients and/or patient representatives to not have the necessary information to exercise their rights. Findings include:
Review of Patient #11 medical record on 2/17/2021 revealed no Important Message from Medicare (IMM) within 48 hours of discharge to be present.
Review of Patient #12 medical record on 2/17/20201 revealed no IMM within 48 hours of discharge to be present.
On 2/17/2021 at 1305, Staff C was queried as to if an IMM was obtained prior to discharge to which he stated, "We do not provide a new IMM and do not ask them to sign it again." Staff C also confirmed the IMM from admission was not signed and dated again prior to discharge.