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Tag No.: K0062
Based on visual observations the facility failed to maintain sprinkler protection in accordance with NFPA-13. This deficient practice would allow for the sprinkler system to be delayed and not react to a fire emergency in a timely manner. This would affect 6 of 6 smoke compartments and affect 33 of the 33 residents of the facility.
Finding :
During tour of the facility on 03/12/2013 between the hours of 8:48am and 4:48pm, It was observed that the sprinkler heads through out facility including but not limited to common and residential rooms were missing escutcheon rings or covers or had escutcheon rings or covers that are leaving 3/4 inch to 1/4 inch openings around the sprinkler heads.
Tag No.: K0066
Based on visual observation, the facility failed to assure that smoking areas were supplied with a metal, self-closing container or other approved equipment. Cigarette butts shall be extinguished in an approved container in order to prevent accidental combustion. This deficient practice could potentially affect 16 of 16 residents.
During the facility tour, between the hours of 8:48am and 4:48pm, it was observed that the approved smoking areas were equipped with plastic smoker's genies. These plastic containers do not have self-closing lids and are constructed of combustible material.
Tag No.: K0072
Based on visual observation, the facility failed to assure that the means of egress was free of obstructions or impediments to full instant use of the exit passage way. Obstructions, in the egress corridor, hinder occupant egress in emergency situations. This deficient practice could potentially affect 16 of the 16 residents in the facility.
During the facility tour on 03/12/2013, between the hours of 8:30am and 4:48pm, it was observed that the several corridor through-out the facility were being used for storage of trash cans, chairs and shredded paper containers that obstructing the corridors for more than 30 minutes