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DURHAM, NC 27710

No Description Available

Tag No.: K0029

Based on observations, on June 15, 2010 at approximately 11:30 am onward, the following items were noncompliant, specific findings include:

NOTE: Item "b, a, b and c" for this building is waivered past the follow up survey dated 9/16/2010

a. fire door to room 9221(clean utility) is tied in the open position. (Corrected)

b. room 7603 is used as a storage room with less than forty-five minute door and listed hardware. The room is greater than one hundred square feet area.

Based on observations, on June 16, 2010 at approximately 8:00am onward, the following items were noncompliant, specific findings include:

a. lack of fire dampers for duct penetrations of large respiratory storage room 5000C.

b. lack of one hour fire resistive enclosure for large sterile core supply room - room 3557.

c. lack of one hour fire resistive enclosure for induction room #18, and #25 - rooms are used for storage.

No Description Available

Tag No.: K0039

Based on observations, on June 16, 2010 at approximately 8:00 am onward, the following items were noncompliant, specific findings include:

NOTE: Item "b" for this building is waivered past the follow up survey dated 9/16/2010

a. required eight feet corridor, as originally constructed, is reduced to six feet width in area of construction zone near room 5541. (Corrected)

b. stair S055 is identified as a required exit - corridor width leading to stairway door is much less than eight feet in width.

Note: The 1967 New Life Safety Code required a minimum eight feet corridor width in Hospitals - the level of Life Safety may not be reduced below this requirement or NC Building Code requirements.