Bringing transparency to federal inspections
Tag No.: K0018
Based on observation and interview the facility failed to assure all patient room doors would close tightly and latch for one of seven patient room doors. This deficient practice affects patients and staff on this unit. The facility census was 80 patients.
Findings included:
Observation during a tour of the Senior Lifestyles unit on 07/21/11 at 1:23 PM showed the latching mechanism on the door to patient room 100 was not working properly to secure the door in the door frame when closed.
Staff F Director of Plant Operations confirmed at that time the door was not latching in the door frame.
The National Fire Protection Association 101 Life Safety Code, 2000 Edition, section states doors shall be provided with a means suitable for keeping the door closed that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. The device used shall be capable of keeping the door fully closed if a force of five foot pounds is applied at the latch edge of the door.
Tag No.: K0027
Based on observation and interview the facility failed to maintain all sets of smoke barrier doors in good working order. This deficient practice affects all patients on that floor. The facility census was 80 patients.
Findings included:
Observation during a tour of the facility conducted on 07/19/11 showed at 1:22 PM one of the two smoke barrier doors would not completely closed when released from the fire alarm system automatic hold open device on the third floor of the facility.
Staff F Director of Plant Operations confirmed at that time the smoke barrier door would not completely close.
The National Fire Protection Association 101 Life Safety Code, 2000 Edition, section states: Doors in smoke barriers shall comply with 8.3.4 and shall be self-closing or automatic-closing in accordance with