Bringing transparency to federal inspections

3741 WEST 12600 SOUTH


No Description Available

Tag No.: K0021

Based upon observations made in the presence of the plant manager on 12/15/15, it was determined that the facility did not maintain the doors in a hazardous area that are permitted to be held open by a device that will automatically close the door upon the activation of the fire alarm so that they shut to resist the passage of fire or smoke in accordance with NFPA 101

This deficiency affected 1 of numerous hazardous areas.

Findings include:

During the tour of the facility it was observed that a 45 minute fire resistance rated door in the one hour rated fire wall surrounding the lab on the second floor was being held open with a wedge placed at the floor. This door is required to be held open with a device that will automatically release the door to close with the activation of the fire alarm in accordance with NFPA 101